Season 1 Commendations

The following Citizen Astronomers have each classified nearly 8,000 galaxies and completed Stage 10. In recognition of their efforts, we will publish their names here.
November 2019     ポチ
December 2019     しゅるる, morudon,  & NightSky
January 2020         Sereono, aoki, & クマさん
February 2020       mamy
March 2020           dokan
April 2020             sora0, & 天原御中之介
May 2020              ワンダー
June 2020              Bill
July 2020               伊藤那由多, & shima
August 2020         こやなぎ, miko, Sailor116, 陸奥, ぽんきち, Elena, & かんちゃん
September 2020    ヒデボウ, ossann, CD, Ripley, & hosinoooji
October 2020        さとゆみ, Victor Voloshin, & artlight
November 2020     Zver347, Kenチャン, A*, & Terry
December 2020     硅化木石, toshimi, ひげおやじ, kuronen, & kimu
January 2021         天文楽者, obsgxy, tatsu, & ロプロス Lopros
February 2021       SSB, Bonjin, nono, & namikura 
March 2021           kokutenn, marius jo, route16zakitaka, たつや, & ほしぞら
April 2021             としちゃん, & annajuliaperini
May 2021              Katarina Andrade
June 2021              vahid behmaram shahab
July 2021               atom, ashowkeyt, Itsuki, & 伊助さん
August 2021         コロスケ教授, Ella, M. Izzuddin, &Kavi_TheEarthling
September 2021    いおりんか
October 2021        Max Murdoch, kojitako, & gitei
November 2021     M.T.
December 2021     星野暉, CreatorSam, sereromi, Amit Raka, nac, & KN
January 2021         Rakhi Roy, おまえたち, Opa, Jayanta Ghosh, フクキャット, t.mori, ひでおS, & Sejal
February 2021       KOTONO, chou, momo, bonobono, スパッツォ, & GACR
March 2021           Cirsium, Ankita Sharma, & Giovanny Arthur Ramos de Albuquerque
April 2021             Havila.Yasmim, Lucia Maria Ferreira Lima, Maria Laura da Rocha Figueredo, & aditya pawar
(93 Citizen Astronomers)
Most of them continue to cruise in the “Beyond Stage 10 Course.” Thank you very much for cruising with us!
All 9893 names of registered Citizen Astronomers in Season 1

Season 2 Commendations

The following Citizen Astronomers have each classified all 32,690 galaxies in Season 2 and completed the cosmic voyage. In recognition of their efforts, we will publish their names here.
硅化木石,  スパッツォ,  Sereno,  Jayanta Ghosh,  縄文土器,  星野暉,  こやなぎ, 
きいろねこ,  kimu, CreatorSam, biswapriya bhattacharya