Spiral and Ring Classification Catalog
(Shimakawa et al. 2024)
Morphological classification catalog of spiral and ring features of 687,859 magnitude-limited galaxies at z=0.01-0.3 from Shimakawa et al. 2024. The morphological classifications have been performed using deep convolutional neural network trained by the GALAXY CRUISE Data Release 1 (Tanaka et al. 2023). The catalog contains 385,449 spiral galaxies and 33,993 ring galaxies, respectively. More details can be found in the paper.
The catalog is available here (48.8 MB). The meaning of each column is as follows. Please cite Shimakawa et al. 2024 if you use the catalog in your publication.
column no. |
name | note |
1 | id | object_id in HSC-SSP PDR3 |
2 | id_sdss | object_id in SDSS DR17 |
3 | ra | R.A. [deg] J2000 |
4 | dec | Dec. [deg] J2000 |
5 | skymap_id | skymap_id in HSC-SSP PDR3 |
6 | sample | sample class (main or sub; table 1) |
7 | z | redshift |
8 | z_flag | redshift flag (spec or phot) |
9 | prob_sp | spiral probability |
10 | prob_rg | ring probability |
11 | reduced_chisq | reduced chi square in Mizuki |
12 | mstar | stellar mass from Mizuki |
13 | mstar_err68min | lower 68% confidence limit of mstar |
14 | mstar_err68max | upper 68% confidence limit of mstar |
15 | sfr | SFR from Mizuki |
16 | sfr_err68min | lower 68% confidence limit of sfr |
17 | sfr_err68max | upper 68% confidence limit of sfr |
1. "GALAXY CRUISE: Spiral and ring classifications for bright galaxies at z = 0.01-0.3" Shimakawa, R., et al. 2024, PASJ, 76, 191
2. Citizen Astronomers and AI Discover 30,000 Ring Galaxies (Subaru Telescope Science Results on March 13, 2024)
This research was financially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 22H01270 and 22K14078.